Leave The Past and Embrace The New

Letting go is not easy for humans. We are creatures of habit, and we are most comfortable when we know what to expect. Many times, we become fearful of the unknown. We love the familiar because, in a way, it provides a sense of protection. Our comfort zones make us feel safe.

While consistency and stability have their place, we must remember that we are always changing and developing into another version of ourselves; a newer, more present version. New identities demand new environments and relationships better suited for the new us.

We may feel emotional when the time comes to bid the old goodbye. We may feel apprehensive to step into the unknown but leaving the past behind is something you must employ. The truth is that we cannot hold on to the old and the new simultaneously. It is either we remain in the old and shun the new or release the old and embrace the new. But we cannot do both. Today I urge you to choose the latter for God wants to do a new thing with you.

As you read this post, you may likely be on the precipice of stepping into an extraordinary new development in your life. But to embrace this there are many relationships and places that you must first bid farewell to.

You may find yourself in an Abraham type of scenario where God is asking you to leave your present environment. It could be a city, a state or province, a country, or even an old house or neighbourhood. Like Abraham, you must leave the people around you, including friends and family members, and pursue what is set before you.

The Lord has been preparing you and has given you time to gradually accept this new idea. He understands that this may be more challenging for some than for others. Part of the preparation for what is coming involves leaving behind everything that feels familiar. It is also important to have an open mind about the places and people to whom God is guiding you.

It all begins with a decision. Abraham chose to leave his father’s homeland, just as Ruth made the choice to leave Moab. She left behind her family, friendships, and customs, setting out for the unknown. Many viewed her as foolish for this decision.

She was not leaving with a husband who could provide for her; her husband had died, along with her brother-in-law and father-in-law. This left her with her bitter, broken-hearted mother-in-law. Despite the bleak circumstances, Ruth made the decision to trust God with her life. With that choice, she left everything she had ever known behind, choosing to abandon all familiar things.

Are you ready to leave the familiar and step into the unknown? Are you ready to let go of everything you have ever known and embrace all that the Father has in store for you? Like Ruth, you have never walked this path before. You might not know anyone who has traveled this path, so naturally, this step of faith may cause some nerves. However, just as Ruth did, you can trust that God will bless you with more than you left behind.

Ruth realized when it was time to embrace change and now it is your turn. Bid farewell to the old, for those days are over, and welcome the new that is calling you. 

Say goodbye to what was and prepare to co-create a new normal with the Holy Spirit as your counsellor and guide. 



Your Decisions Matter

We are free beings, completely free to make our own decisions. But never forget that our choices do matter. It matters for us now, for our future, for those around

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